lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Tu nombre

- Where you never planning to come inside?

- I'm wether than a fish.

- There's a good fire going.

- I'm all right. You're always carrying a tray.

- I was going to take some root beer over to the Negroes... Somebody said you were enlisting. Are you?

- If there's a war, we'll all fight.

- Did you get a picture made?

- Say again?

- A tintype, with your gun and courage on display.

- You're laughing at me.

- I don't know you.

- This doesn't come out right. If it were enough to stand, without the words.

- It is, it is.

- Look at the sky now. What color is it? Or the way a hawk flies. Or you wake up and your ribs are bruised thinking so hard on somebody... What do you call that?

What if you are killed, and I'll never see you again? You said after a few years, I would barely remember your name. Oh, Inman. It is more than three years, and I remember your name.

"How could a name... not even a real name... break your heart? It's her. She's the place I'm headin'. And I hardly know her. I hardly know her! And I just can't seem to get back to her"

Detrás de mi alma vives tú junto a mi... Y llevo en mi tu nombre a fuego, llevo en mi tu voz...

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Lo que no ves...

"Y susurraste que el pasado sólo es como un día malo..."

Everything will be alright in the end. So if it's not alright, then it's not yet the end.

"Siempre fui poniendo parches, negando segundas partes,
hasta que me demostraste, que no quiero olvidarte.

Tú me enseñas que
se puede querer
lo que no ves.

No consigo recordar por que motivo me fui,
pero en tu cuarto de baño sigue tu rojo de labios.

No consigo recordar cómo he llegado hasta aquí,
solo sé que estoy borrando lo que un día te hizo daño..."

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012


"When she was just a girl she expected the world,
but it flew away from her reach, so she ran away in her sleep
and dreamed of para-para-paradise...
every time she closed her eyes.

Life goes on, gets so heavy. The wheel breaks the butterfly.
Every tear a waterfall.
In the night, the stormy night
she'd close her eyes
In the night, the stormy night away she'd fly...

And dreams of para-para-paradise...

So lying underneath the stormy skies
She'd say, 'I know the sun will set to rise'

This could be para-para-paradise..."

"Paradise? Paradise can go fuck itself"

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

Notting Hill

-The thing is... I have to go away today but I wondered, if I didn't, whether you might let me see you a bit... or, a lot maybe... see if you could... like me again.


- Look -- I'm a fairly level- headed bloke. Not often in and out of love. But... can I just say 'no' to your kind request and leave it at that?

- Yes, that's fine. Of course. I... you know... of course... I'll just... be getting along then... nice to see you.

- The truth is... with you, I'm in real danger. It took like a perfect situation, apart from that foul temper of yours -- but my relatively inexperienced heart would, I fear, not recover if I was once again ... cast aside, which I would absolutely expect to be. There are too many pictures of you everywhere, too many films. You'd go and I'd be... well, buggered, basically.

- I see. That reality is a real 'no,' isn't it?

- I live in Notting Hill. You live in Beverly Hills. Everyone in the world knows who you are. My mother has trouble remembering my name.

- Okay. Fine. Fine. Good decision. The fame thing isn't really real, you know. Don't forget -- I'm also just a girl. Standing in front of a boy. Asking him to love her.

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012


- You don't actually think I was interested in you. Why? Because you're the great Sherlock Holmes, the clever detective in the funny hat?

- No... because I took your pulse. Elevated. Your pupils dilated. [...] the chemistry is incredibly simple and very disruptive. [...] This is your heart and you should never let it rule your head [...] I’ve always assumed love was a dangerous disadvantage, thank you for the final proof.

- Everything I said. It’s not real. I was just playing the game.

- I know. And this is just losing.

(los Reyes me han traido el comienzo de la segunda temporada de "Sherlock". Grande, no esperaba menos, pero ha sido aún mejor de lo que imaginaba... y enorme Benedict Cumberbatch, como siempre; este es su año, si no, al tiempo...)

Con el pulso a mil revoluciones por segundo.

"No quiero marcharme y que parezca que la herida ya no sangra, tengo tu pulso, llevo tu pulso justo aquí..."

"If it was the end of the world, if this was the very last night, would you have dinner with me?"

martes, 3 de enero de 2012

Comme une rosée de larmes

"I feel so awful. I only wanted to help you. To take care of you..."

Ya sabía que "The Artist" iba a ser importante en mi vida. Se me sigue acelerando el corazón en los últimos 15 minutos. Y algunas veces, las cosas se sobreentienden. Algunas veces, las historias más románticas no acaban con un beso;)

Ya soy mayor para tomar mis propias decisiones. No se si están bien o mal, pero soy yo quien las tiene que tomar, y si están mal, aprenderé de ello. Cuando una opción parece inconcebible, no hay más remedio que tomar la otra, aunque tengas dudas sobre ella. No se qué deparará el futuro, pero 2012 ha empezado estupendamente. En todos los sentidos. Quién lo iba a decir.

"Comme une rosée de larmes". Temas como estos son la bso de mi vida estos días. No me los puedo quitar de la cabeza. Qué bonito tiene que ser soñar con ellos...